Watch "Allez, Eddy!" on Netflix Argentina

Netflix Release:
Coline Leempoel, Silke Cnockaert, Lotte Bode, Jelte Blommaert, Stefaan Degand, Bruno Georis
Comedies, Belgian Movies
Gert Embrechts

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Allez, Eddy! on Netflix Argentina!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Allez, Eddy!" in Argentina right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Argentina for Allez, Eddy!, and this page will be updated with any changes.

A kid with health problems secretly enters a bicycle race sponsored by a new supermarket, even though his father, the local butcher, has forbidden it. Against all odds, a sickly boy becomes a biking champ. But his greatest victory is now his deepest secret.

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Coline Leempoel, Silke Cnockaert, Lotte Bode, Jelte Blommaert, Stefaan Degand, Bruno Georis

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