Watch "Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of the Lama Rama" on Netflix Argentina

Netflix Release:
Sofie Bjerke, Vinjar Pettersen, Pia Tjelta, Andreas Cappelen, Kyrre Haugen Sydness, Odd Magnus Williamson
Children & Family Movies, Movies for ages 8 to 10, Family Features
Lisa Marie Gamlem, John Andreas Andersen

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of the Lama Rama on Netflix Argentina!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of the Lama Rama" in Argentina right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Argentina for Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of the Lama Rama, and this page will be updated with any changes.

A young boy strives to earn respect as a member of a brave pirate crew while he searches for gold, as well as the truth about his long-lost father. Lots of kids play pirates, but this one gets to set sail with a legendary swashbuckler and live his dream.

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Sofie Bjerke, Vinjar Pettersen, Pia Tjelta, Andreas Cappelen, Kyrre Haugen Sydness, Odd Magnus Williamson

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