Watch "A Strange Course of Events" on Netflix Australia

Netflix Release:
Maya Dagan, Bethany Gorenberg, Maya Kenig, Michaela Eshet, Ori Pfeffer, Moni Moshonov
Dramas, International Dramas, International Movies
Raphaël Nadjari

Netflix Countries:

How to watch A Strange Course of Events on Netflix Australia!

Unfortunately you can't watch "A Strange Course of Events" in Australia right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Australia for A Strange Course of Events, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Melancholy in the wake of a divorce, 40-year-old Shaul decides that visiting his estranged dad will perk him up. But Shaul couldn't be more wrong. Lost and lonely, he yearns to hit life's reset button. But will reconnecting with his father bring him joy or sorrow?

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Maya Dagan, Bethany Gorenberg, Maya Kenig, Michaela Eshet, Ori Pfeffer, Moni Moshonov

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