Watch "Crimson Tide" on Netflix Austria

Netflix Release:
Lillo Brancato, Matt Craven, Rocky Carroll, Viggo Mortensen, Denzel Washington, James Gandolfini
Action & Adventure, Military Action & Adventure, Action Thrillers
Tony Scott

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Crimson Tide on Netflix Austria!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Crimson Tide" in Austria right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Austria for Crimson Tide, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Controversy boils over when Soviet rebels point weapons at the United States, and the tactical message for one nuclear sub is cut off in transmission. Two submarine officers on a collision course. Push the button or not? Either way, it might mean the end.

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Lillo Brancato, Matt Craven, Rocky Carroll, Viggo Mortensen, Denzel Washington, James Gandolfini

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