Watch "Paths of Glory" on Netflix Austria

Netflix Release:
Peter Capell, Jerry Hausner, Susanne Christian, Joe Turkel, Wayne Morris, Adolphe Menjou
Dramas, Dramas based on Books, Historical Dramas
Stanley Kubrick

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Paths of Glory on Netflix Austria!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Paths of Glory" in Austria right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Austria for Paths of Glory, and this page will be updated with any changes.

After French troops refuse to accept orders amounting to a suicide mission against German fire, the army tries the soldiers on charges of cowardice. They had already risked their lives. Then they were asked to do the impossible. Men can only be pushed so far.

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Peter Capell, Jerry Hausner, Susanne Christian, Joe Turkel, Wayne Morris, Adolphe Menjou

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