Watch "The Three Caballeros" on Netflix Canada

Netflix Release:
Nestor Amarale, Fred Shields, Frank Graham, José Oliveira, Joaquin Garay, Dora Luz
Children & Family Movies, Movies for ages 3 to 4, Movies for ages 5 to 7
Harold Young, Jack Kinney, Bill Roberts, Norman Ferguson, Clyde Geronimi

Netflix Countries:

How to watch The Three Caballeros on Netflix Canada!

Unfortunately you can't watch "The Three Caballeros" in Canada right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Canada for The Three Caballeros, and this page will be updated with any changes.

In this breezy Disney classic, Donald Duck heads south of the border, where he and two Latin feathered friends embark on a series of comic escapades. Donald Duck and his pals are having a Latin American adventure. Hop on their magical ride of singing, dancing and fun!

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Nestor Amarale, Fred Shields, Frank Graham, José Oliveira, Joaquin Garay, Dora Luz

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