Watch "The Sentries" on Netflix Denmark

Netflix Release:
March 9 2021
Florentina Țilea, Ilinca Nicola, Andi Nicola, Ana Maria Moldovan, Radu Mãrghidan, Stefan Giurgiu
Children & Family Movies, Romanian, Family Movies
Liviu Mãrghidan

Netflix Countries:

United Kingdom Finland Sweden Portugal Ireland Switzerland Austria Belgium Spain Italy Norway Denmark Netherlands France Germany
United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Germany

How to watch The Sentries on Netflix Denmark!

"The Sentries" arrived on Netflix Denmark on March 9 2021, and is still available for streaming for Danish Netflix users.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Denmark for The Sentries, and this page will be updated with any changes.

As a group of children and their chaperones discover the joys of nature on a mountain retreat, they must look for a camper who wanders into the forest.

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Florentina Țilea, Ilinca Nicola, Andi Nicola, Ana Maria Moldovan, Radu Mãrghidan, Stefan Giurgiu

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