Watch "Peggy Sue Got Married" on Netflix Denmark

Netflix Release:
Barry Miller, Barbara Harris, Lisa Jane Persky, Catherine Hicks, Kevin J. O'Connor, Kathleen Turner
Comedies, Dramas, Romantic Favorites
Francis Ford Coppola

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Peggy Sue Got Married on Netflix Denmark!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Peggy Sue Got Married" in Denmark right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Denmark for Peggy Sue Got Married, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Full of regrets and facing divorce, a middle-aged housewife is given the chance to go back in time and change her fate in this wistful fantasy. Whisked back in time, she has the chance to make a new life for herself. But it may not be as easy as it seems.

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Barry Miller, Barbara Harris, Lisa Jane Persky, Catherine Hicks, Kevin J. O'Connor, Kathleen Turner

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