Watch "Enchanted" on Netflix Egypt

Netflix Release:
Helen Stenborg, Samantha Ivers, Tibor Feldman, Edmund Lyndeck, Margaret Travolta, Marlon Saunders
Children & Family Movies, Family Comedies, Comedies
Kevin Lima

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Enchanted on Netflix Egypt!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Enchanted" in Egypt right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Egypt for Enchanted, and this page will be updated with any changes.

When evil Queen Narissa exiles Princess Giselle from Andalasia to the real world of New York City, a native Prince Charming reluctantly takes her in. It's an old fairy tale: a princess, an evil queen and Prince Charming. Until this enchanted bunch arrives in Manhattan!

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Helen Stenborg, Samantha Ivers, Tibor Feldman, Edmund Lyndeck, Margaret Travolta, Marlon Saunders

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