Watch "King Solomon's Mines" on Netflix Finland

Netflix Release:
Vincent Van der Byl, Mick Lesley, Shaike Ophir, Sam Williams, June Buthelezi, Ken Gampu
Action & Adventure, 20th Century Period Pieces, Adventures
J. Lee Thompson

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How to watch King Solomon's Mines on Netflix Finland!

Unfortunately you can't watch "King Solomon's Mines" in Finland right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Finland for King Solomon's Mines, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Richard Chamberlain (The Thorn Birds) stars in this action adventure as Allan Quatermain, the rough-and-tumble fortune hunter who boldly takes on cannibals, Nazis and big game to rescue an archaeologist who's recently been kidnapped in Africa. A soldier of fortune loves death-defying adventure. He'll fight anything: Nazis, cannibals -- even a gorgeous blonde.

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Vincent Van der Byl, Mick Lesley, Shaike Ophir, Sam Williams, June Buthelezi, Ken Gampu

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