Watch "Tensai Bakavon: Yomigaeru Flanderese no Inu" on Netflix Finland

Netflix Release:
Kunio Murai, Ryuhei Ueshima, Miori Takimoto, Gaku Hamada, Tomoko Kaneda, Mitsuo Iwata
Comedies, Anime, Anime Features

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How to watch Tensai Bakavon: Yomigaeru Flanderese no Inu on Netflix Finland!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Tensai Bakavon: Yomigaeru Flanderese no Inu" in Finland right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Finland for Tensai Bakavon: Yomigaeru Flanderese no Inu, and this page will be updated with any changes.

When a dead orphan and his trusty dog reject heaven in favor of getting revenge on the living, a goofball named Bakabon must confront their menace. Heaven awaits him, but a ghostly orphan would rather torment earthly souls. Can dim-witted Bakabon stop the boy specter?

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Kunio Murai, Ryuhei Ueshima, Miori Takimoto, Gaku Hamada, Tomoko Kaneda, Mitsuo Iwata

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