Watch "Laughing Under the Clouds Gaiden: Cherry Blossoms, the Bridge to Heavenly Wishes" on Netflix Finland

Netflix Release:
Kohsuke Toriumi, Yuki Fujiwara, Hiroshi Iwasaki, Tsubasa Yonaga, Mamiko Noto, Ryoko Shiraishi
Action & Adventure, Japanese Movies, Historical Anime
Tetsuya Wakano

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How to watch Laughing Under the Clouds Gaiden: Cherry Blossoms, the Bridge to Heavenly Wishes on Netflix Finland!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Laughing Under the Clouds Gaiden: Cherry Blossoms, the Bridge to Heavenly Wishes" in Finland right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Finland for Laughing Under the Clouds Gaiden: Cherry Blossoms, the Bridge to Heavenly Wishes, and this page will be updated with any changes.

The eldest brother stepped down as clan head. But when a foe returns, the younger brothers vow to protect their land by any means in this final film. The land of the rising sun settles into a new age: samurai are a dying breed. But darkness lurks as enemies return.

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Kohsuke Toriumi, Yuki Fujiwara, Hiroshi Iwasaki, Tsubasa Yonaga, Mamiko Noto, Ryoko Shiraishi

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