Watch "Van Wilder: Freshman Year" on Netflix France

Netflix Release:
Irene Keng, Meredith Giangrande, Jerry Shea, Nestor Aaron Absera, Kristin Cavallari, Linden Ashby
Comedies, Late Night Comedies
Harvey Glazer

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Van Wilder: Freshman Year on Netflix France!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Van Wilder: Freshman Year" in France right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix France for Van Wilder: Freshman Year, and this page will be updated with any changes.

This prequel to National Lampoon's cult hit takes us to the beginning of Van's college career and reveals how he became an indomitable party animal. A charismatic slacker vows to turn his conservative college into party central. Let the debauchery begin.

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Irene Keng, Meredith Giangrande, Jerry Shea, Nestor Aaron Absera, Kristin Cavallari, Linden Ashby

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