Watch "Preman Pensiun" on Netflix France

Netflix Release:
August 5 2020
Deny Firdaus, Ica Naga, Andra Manihot, Dedi Moch Jamasari, Soraya Rasyid, Tia Arifin
Comedies, Dramas, Indonesian
Aris Nugraha

Netflix Countries:


How to watch Preman Pensiun on Netflix France!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Preman Pensiun" in France right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix France for Preman Pensiun, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Despite his struggles to lead a law-abiding life, a former criminal tries to resist the urge to meddle in a revenge plot led by his past underlings. He's used to a life of crime, not a snack business and a hormonal teen. Will this dad return to what he knows best?

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Deny Firdaus, Ica Naga, Andra Manihot, Dedi Moch Jamasari, Soraya Rasyid, Tia Arifin

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