Watch "Little Man Tate" on Netflix Ireland

Netflix Release:
Danitra Vance, P.J. Ochlan, Adam Hann-Byrd, Celia Weston, Josh Mostel, Debi Mazar
Jodie Foster

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Little Man Tate on Netflix Ireland!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Little Man Tate" in Ireland right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Ireland for Little Man Tate, and this page will be updated with any changes.

A gifted 7-year-old's prodigious talents land him in the middle of a battle between his working-class mother and a school director. An average mom with an off-the-charts kid. Others think they know what's best for him, but love trumps all.

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Danitra Vance, P.J. Ochlan, Adam Hann-Byrd, Celia Weston, Josh Mostel, Debi Mazar

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