Watch "Compliance" on Netflix Ireland

Netflix Release:
Nikiya Mathis, Matt Servitto, Ashlie Atkinson, Bill Camp, Philip Ettinger, James McCaffrey
Dramas, Thrillers, Independent Dramas
Craig Zobel

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Compliance on Netflix Ireland!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Compliance" in Ireland right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Ireland for Compliance, and this page will be updated with any changes.

This tense drama unfolds as a prank caller pretends to be a cop and convinces a restaurant manager to interrogate her teenaged employee about a theft. A fast food manager gets a phone tip from a police officer about a thief on her staff. But the cop has some odd requests.

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Nikiya Mathis, Matt Servitto, Ashlie Atkinson, Bill Camp, Philip Ettinger, James McCaffrey

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