Watch "Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love?" on Netflix Italy

Netflix Release:
Jonathan Lipow, Ogie Banks, Salli Saffioti, Evan Smith, Audu Paden, America Young
TV Shows, Children & Family Movies, Movies for ages 5 to 7
Steve Sacks, Dustin McKenzie

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How to watch Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love? on Netflix Italy!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love?" in Italy right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Italy for Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love?, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Draculaura's ghoulfriends have some suspicions about one of her two persistent suitors -- but can they stop him before he steals her un-beating heart? A love triangle is the last thing this friendly vampire needs as she tries to plan a big birthday party. Grrrr!

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Jonathan Lipow, Ogie Banks, Salli Saffioti, Evan Smith, Audu Paden, America Young

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