Watch "Kotatsu, Orange and Meow!" on Netflix Italy

Netflix Release:
Maki Fukumi, Hiroko Kamata, Noriko Kijima
Dramas, Romantic Dramas, Romantic Movies
Ryutaro Kajino

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Kotatsu, Orange and Meow! on Netflix Italy!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Kotatsu, Orange and Meow!" in Italy right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Italy for Kotatsu, Orange and Meow!, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Adult entertainment performers Kotatsu and Nya plan an onsen vacation together, but then Nya's girlfriend Mikan comes along for the ride. It was supposed to be a relaxing getaway. But putting all three of them in one room is a recipe for drama.

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Maki Fukumi, Hiroko Kamata, Noriko Kijima

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