Watch "Dangerous Minds" on Netflix Japan

Netflix Release:
Bruklin Harris, Wade Dominguez, Beatrice Winde, Renoly Santiago, Robin Bartlett, Michelle Pfeiffer
Dramas, Biographical Dramas, Dramas based on Real Life
John N. Smith

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Dangerous Minds on Netflix Japan!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Dangerous Minds" in Japan right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Japan for Dangerous Minds, and this page will be updated with any changes.

A Marine turned teacher squares off against a classroom of impudent, inner-city teens, whose bullying tactics nearly drive her out the first day. She's an ex-Marine accustomed to giving orders. That might not work so well in her new job: inner-city school teacher.

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Bruklin Harris, Wade Dominguez, Beatrice Winde, Renoly Santiago, Robin Bartlett, Michelle Pfeiffer

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