Watch "Das Pferd auf dem Balkon" on Netflix Japan

Netflix Release:
Alexander E. Fennon, Murathan Muslu, Branko Samarovski, Ernst Stankovski, Bibiane Zeller, Natasa Paunovic
Children & Family Movies, Movies for ages 5 to 7, Movies for ages 8 to 10
Hüseyin Tabak

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How to watch Das Pferd auf dem Balkon on Netflix Japan!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Das Pferd auf dem Balkon" in Japan right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Japan for Das Pferd auf dem Balkon, and this page will be updated with any changes.

When a boy with Asperger's syndrome discovers a horse on a neighbor's balcony, he quickly hatches a plan to save the stallion from the slaughterhouse. A boy who struggles to communicate. A race horse held hostage on a balcony. A surreal start to a winning friendship.

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Alexander E. Fennon, Murathan Muslu, Branko Samarovski, Ernst Stankovski, Bibiane Zeller, Natasa Paunovic

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