Watch "Klassefesten" on Netflix Mexico

Netflix Release:
December 11 2018
Brian Lykke, Troels Malling Thaarup, Lene Nystrøm, Mira Wanting, Camilla Søeberg, Therese Glahn
Comedies, International Movies, Late Night Comedies
Niels Nørløv Hansen

Netflix Countries:

Norway Finland Sweden Denmark
Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark

How to watch Klassefesten on Netflix Mexico!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Klassefesten" in Mexico right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Mexico for Klassefesten, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Three middle-aged men who get together for their 25-year class reunion discover that partying and acting like boys isn't as easy as it used to be. It’s wine, women and pranks for these aging pals. If they can just live through all the fun before their class reunion.

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Brian Lykke, Troels Malling Thaarup, Lene Nystrøm, Mira Wanting, Camilla Søeberg, Therese Glahn

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