Watch "Resurrecting the Champ" on Netflix Mexico

Netflix Release:
Kristen Shaw, Dakota Goyo, Kathryn Morris, Alan Alda, Josh Hartnett, Peter Coyote
Dramas, Dramas based on Real Life, Sports Dramas
Rod Lurie

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Resurrecting the Champ on Netflix Mexico!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Resurrecting the Champ" in Mexico right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Mexico for Resurrecting the Champ, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Reporter Erik Kernan encounters a homeless man who calls himself "Champ" and soon determines he's the one-time boxing champion Bob Satterfield. A struggling sportswriter meets a homeless man with a surprising past. Offering him a hand up, they both rise.

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Kristen Shaw, Dakota Goyo, Kathryn Morris, Alan Alda, Josh Hartnett, Peter Coyote

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