Watch "The BRD Trilogy: Veronika Voss" on Netflix Netherlands

Netflix Release:
March 26 2022
Sonja Neudorfer, Gunther Kaufmann, Hilmar Thate, Annemarie Düringer, Peter Berling, Rosel Zech
Dramas, Award-winning Dramas, German Dramas
Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Netflix Countries:

Portugal Netherlands
Portugal, Netherlands

How to watch The BRD Trilogy: Veronika Voss on Netflix Netherlands!

Unfortunately you can't watch "The BRD Trilogy: Veronika Voss" in the Netherlands right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Netherlands for The BRD Trilogy: Veronika Voss, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Rosel Zech plays a dissipated 1940s German movie star who, 10 years after the war, has become a morphine addict. Her claim to fame: She used to be a close, personal friend of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

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Sonja Neudorfer, Gunther Kaufmann, Hilmar Thate, Annemarie Düringer, Peter Berling, Rosel Zech

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