Watch "Wo ist Fred?" on Netflix Netherlands

Netflix Release:
David Scheller, Ramon Julia König, Tanja Wenzel, Adele Neuhauser, Jürgen Vogel, Anja Kling
Comedies, German Comedies
Anno Saul

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Wo ist Fred? on Netflix Netherlands!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Wo ist Fred?" in the Netherlands right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Netherlands for Wo ist Fred?, and this page will be updated with any changes.

After posing as a disabled basketball fan, a building foreman continues the pretense when a pretty director wants him in a promo film for the team. Worst idea ever: Pose as a paraplegic to win over a girl. Now jump through hoops to get the girl you really want.

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David Scheller, Ramon Julia König, Tanja Wenzel, Adele Neuhauser, Jürgen Vogel, Anja Kling

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