Watch "Inside" on Netflix Norway

Netflix Release:
François-Régis Marchasson, Nathalie Roussel, Claude Lulé, Jean-Baptiste Tabourin, Dominique Frot, Alysson Paradis
International Movies, French Movies, Horror Movies
Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Inside on Netflix Norway!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Inside" in Norway right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Norway for Inside, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Four months after her husband's tragic death, Sarah prepares to head to the hospital to deliver her miracle baby. But what should be a blessed Christmas Eve event turns terrifying when a crazed woman arrives at her home intent on taking Sarah's baby. A deranged woman enters a pregnant widow's quiet home. Tonight is about to get way more excruciating than childbirth.

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François-Régis Marchasson, Nathalie Roussel, Claude Lulé, Jean-Baptiste Tabourin, Dominique Frot, Alysson Paradis

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