Watch "Montalbano: Excursion to Tindari" on Netflix Norway

Netflix Release:
May 11 2021
Costantino Carrozza, Carmela Gentile, Giovanni Guardiano, Isabell Sollman, Katharina Böhm, Davide Lo Verde
Dramas, Mysteries, Movies Based on Books
Alberto Sironi

Netflix Countries:

France Sweden Norway Netherlands Finland
France, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Finland

How to watch Montalbano: Excursion to Tindari on Netflix Norway!

"Montalbano: Excursion to Tindari" arrived on Netflix Norway on May 11 2021, and is still available for streaming for Norwegian Netflix users.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Norway for Montalbano: Excursion to Tindari, and this page will be updated with any changes.

A computer expert is found murdered as an elderly couple goes missing while on a scenic bus tour. They're linked, and Montalbano just has to prove it.

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Costantino Carrozza, Carmela Gentile, Giovanni Guardiano, Isabell Sollman, Katharina Böhm, Davide Lo Verde

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