Watch "Necropolis Symphony" on Netflix Pakistan

Netflix Release:
Augusto Pompeo, Antônio Veloso, Luís Mármora, Germano Melo, Paulo Jordão, Eduardo Gomes
Comedies, Musicals, Horror Movies
Juliana Rojas

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How to watch Necropolis Symphony on Netflix Pakistan!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Necropolis Symphony" in Pakistan right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Pakistan for Necropolis Symphony, and this page will be updated with any changes.

An apprentice gravedigger starts working with an eccentric funerary expert. But strange events soon have them reconsidering their relationship to the dead. Juliana Rojas' musical comedy won numerous festival accolades, including top honors from several Brazilian film festivals.

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Augusto Pompeo, Antônio Veloso, Luís Mármora, Germano Melo, Paulo Jordão, Eduardo Gomes

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