Watch "The Uninvited" on Netflix Russia

Netflix Release:
Jeong Wook, Yeo-jin Kim, Yoo Sun, Shin-yang Park, Ji-hyun Jeon
International Movies, Horror Movies, Supernatural Horror Movies
Su-yeon Lee

Netflix Countries:

How to watch The Uninvited on Netflix Russia!

Unfortunately you can't watch "The Uninvited" in Russia right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Russia for The Uninvited, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Impaired by amnesia, Jeong-won can't remember his youth -- until he meets Yeon, a psychic who may be able to uncover his past. After witnessing the horrific deaths of children, both share dreamlike visions of ghostly forms.

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Jeong Wook, Yeo-jin Kim, Yoo Sun, Shin-yang Park, Ji-hyun Jeon

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