Watch "Cézanne et moi" on Netflix Russia

Netflix Release:
Laurent Stocker, Isabelle Candelier, Sabine Azéma, Déborah François, Alice Pol, Guillaume Gallienne
Dramas, International Dramas, French Movies
Danièle Thompson

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Cézanne et moi on Netflix Russia!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Cézanne et moi" in Russia right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Russia for Cézanne et moi, and this page will be updated with any changes.

This historical drama explores the long and often volatile friendship of painter Paul Cézanne and writer Émile Zola, who first met as schoolboys. They were from different worlds, both destined for greatness. But their fierce bond was laced with bitter rivalries.

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Laurent Stocker, Isabelle Candelier, Sabine Azéma, Déborah François, Alice Pol, Guillaume Gallienne

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