Watch "Sparks and Embers" on Netflix Singapore

Netflix Release:
Kapil Parikh, Len Trusty, Sean Baker, Valda Aviks, Waleed Akhtar, Annelise Hesme
Comedies, Dramas, British Movies
Gavin Boyter

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Sparks and Embers on Netflix Singapore!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Sparks and Embers" in Singapore right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Singapore for Sparks and Embers, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Five years after a crazy first meeting in a stalled elevator, a couple has just 45 minutes to recapture their lost love before splitting forever. She had him fired; then they fell in love. Now a train to Paris will end it all, unless they can remember the magic.

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Kapil Parikh, Len Trusty, Sean Baker, Valda Aviks, Waleed Akhtar, Annelise Hesme

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