Watch "The Court Jester" on Netflix South Africa

Netflix Release:
Robert Middleton, Cecil Parker, Basil Rathbone, Glynis Johns, Michael Pate, Danny Kaye
Comedies, Musicals, Slapstick Comedies
Melvin Frank, Norman Panama

Netflix Countries:

How to watch The Court Jester on Netflix South Africa!

Unfortunately you can't watch "The Court Jester" in South Africa right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix South Africa for The Court Jester, and this page will be updated with any changes.

When a wicked pretender deposes the infant king of England, the man who tends the baby monarch tries to set things right by posing as a court jester. A crafty man is prepared to do anything to ensure a pint-sized king inherits the throne. Even if he looks like a fool.

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Robert Middleton, Cecil Parker, Basil Rathbone, Glynis Johns, Michael Pate, Danny Kaye

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