Watch "Pettson och Findus - Kattonauten" on Netflix Spain

Netflix Release:
January 29 2021
Towa Carson, Thomas Petersson, Meta Velander, Mona Seilitz, Kalle Lundberg, Gunnar Uddén
Children & Family Movies, Animal Tales, Nordic Movies
Torbjörn Jansson, Albert Hanan Kaminski, Árpad Szabó

Netflix Countries:

Norway Denmark Sweden Finland
Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland

How to watch Pettson och Findus - Kattonauten on Netflix Spain!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Pettson och Findus - Kattonauten" in Spain right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Spain for Pettson och Findus - Kattonauten, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Eccentric old farmer Pettersson and his cat, Findus, have hilarious adventures camping in the woods while waiting for a letter from the king. This kitty cat is always ready to have fun, whether it involves gardening, camping or hanging out with his farmer pal.

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Towa Carson, Thomas Petersson, Meta Velander, Mona Seilitz, Kalle Lundberg, Gunnar Uddén

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