Watch "Mig äger ingen" on Netflix Spain

Netflix Release:
Clara Christiansson, Sandra Andreis, Karin Franz Körlof, Hanna Alström, Sten Ljunggren, Tanja Lorentzon
Dramas, International Movies, Dramas based on Real Life
Kjell-Åke Andersson

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Mig äger ingen on Netflix Spain!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Mig äger ingen" in Spain right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Spain for Mig äger ingen, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Abandoned by her mother, a young girl in 1970s Sweden develops a complicated relationship with her rebellious, alcoholic, working-class father. She looked up to her father all her life as a hero. As she gets older, reality shows him to be something less, and more.

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Clara Christiansson, Sandra Andreis, Karin Franz Körlof, Hanna Alström, Sten Ljunggren, Tanja Lorentzon

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