Watch "Khalnayak" on Netflix Sweden

Netflix Release:
A.K. Hangal, Rakhee Gulzar, Neena Gupta, Pramod Moutho, Jackie Shroff, Sushmita Mukherjee
Action & Adventure, Dramas, Romantic Dramas
Subhash Ghai

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Khalnayak on Netflix Sweden!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Khalnayak" in Sweden right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Sweden for Khalnayak, and this page will be updated with any changes.

A prison guard goes undercover as a dancer to try and recapture an escaped criminal and restore her police inspector boyfriend's reputation. At first, her mission to catch an escaped convict seemed straightforward. But missions can often turn murky.

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A.K. Hangal, Rakhee Gulzar, Neena Gupta, Pramod Moutho, Jackie Shroff, Sushmita Mukherjee

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