Watch "Dear Dumb Diary" on Netflix Switzerland

Netflix Release:
Tom Markus, Jeffrey Hanson, Laura Bell Bundy, Maddie Corman, Sterling Griffith, David Mazouz
Children & Family Movies, Movies for ages 5 to 7, Movies for ages 8 to 10
Kristin Hanggi

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Dear Dumb Diary on Netflix Switzerland!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Dear Dumb Diary" in Switzerland right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Switzerland for Dear Dumb Diary, and this page will be updated with any changes.

Based on the best-selling books by Jim Benton, young Jamie Kelly navigates middle school, mean girls, and boys with her two best friends. Middle school can drive a kid crazy. Teachers, crushes, rivals. Good thing she has a lot of blank pages in her diary.

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Tom Markus, Jeffrey Hanson, Laura Bell Bundy, Maddie Corman, Sterling Griffith, David Mazouz

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