Watch "Michiteiku" on Netflix Taiwan

Netflix Release:
Miwako Izumi, Yuki Miyauchi, Yuki Shinohara, Rie Sakita, Sakiko Yamaguchi, Serena Nishihira
Dramas, Sports Dramas, Japanese Movies
Risa Takeuchi

Netflix Countries:

How to watch Michiteiku on Netflix Taiwan!

Unfortunately you can't watch "Michiteiku" in Taiwan right now without changing your Netflix country.

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We'll keep checking Netflix Taiwan for Michiteiku, and this page will be updated with any changes.

High school track star Michiru and too-serious track captain Nitta grow closer as they search for meaning amidst the pressures of their lives. Two girls on the track team. They couldn't be more different as they deal with the problems of high school together.

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Miwako Izumi, Yuki Miyauchi, Yuki Shinohara, Rie Sakita, Sakiko Yamaguchi, Serena Nishihira

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